Research is an integral part of our mission of creating a world class Business School and a central part of our efforts to contribute to the creation of a solid entrepreneurial ecosystem at KAEC. Our research mission is aligned with the School goal of helping in the implementation of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, providing research results that are relevant, sound, and has strong applications for managers and practitioners.
At MBSC, we follow four broad lines of academic inquiry:
MBSC is proud to host the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), a global project destined to understand entrepreneurial dynamics in specific countries and regions, The GEM is the most important global effort to measure entrepreneurship actions and intentions, and is currently operating in over 50 countries including now KSA. This global project is allowing MBSC to provide relevant, timely, and useful information to those in charge of supporting and sponsoring Entrepreneurial activities at KAEC and the Kingdom, and helps our Faculty understand the entrepreneurial process in the Kingdom and its specificity.
Faculty at MBSC conduct academic research that puts them at the frontier of knowledge in their disciplines. Our Faculty, all graduated from top Schools around the world, has embraced the mission of advancing knowledge for Science, and they actively publish or have published in top Academic Journals such as Management Science, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Management Inquiry, Organization Studies, Organization Science, among many other prestigious venues. Our Faculty are active in areas such as Family Business and Family Enterprising, Entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial process, Strategic implementation and Change, Islamic Marketing, Human-technology interactions and their consequences, among many others.
Our faculty also strive to ensure their research is relevant for practitioners. Accordingly, our Faculty publish regularly in professional outlets such as the Financial Times (London), Sloan Management Review, The Economist and a large variety of white papers and research reports commissioned by a variety of institutions around the world.
Last, but not least, our Faculty constantly develop pedagogical material that support our teaching mission. We do so through a variety of mechanisms that include teaching and business cases, simulations, exercises, co-curricular activities, and a large variety of pedagogical devices that support and strengthen the teaching philosophy of MBSC, based on action-learning and Babson’s trademarked method, Entrepreneurial Thought and Action® (ET&A™).
Research and its impact signify our commitment to innovation and knowledge creation and is fundamental in our vision of becoming the region's leading School of Business & Entrepreneurship a pre-eminent, elite institution of higher learning.