Dr. Yasser Bhati – Associate Professor of Strategy and Innovation
Guest speaker at The University of Oxford on “Innovating Great Strategies” for the Diploma in Financial Strategy, Said Business School Executive Education, 29th January 2021.
Dr. Haya Aldajani – Professor of Entrepreneurship
‘Women’s Entrepreneurship: An Empowering Pathway?’ presentation was part of the E-Forum co-sponsored by the Saudi Ministry of Education, Babson Global Centre for Entrepreneurial Leadership and the Gender and Enterprise Network, titled ‘Challenges and Solutions to Overcome Crises: The Role of Women’s Entrepreneurship Research’, Saudi Arabia (February 25th, 2021)
MIT Start Smart Conference and Enterprise Forum, KSA (March 2020) – “35 Million Opportunities: Saudi Arabia’s Entrepreneurial Ecosystem”.
Gulf Education Conference 2020 - University of Business and Technology, KSA (February 2020) – “The Evolution of Entrepreneurial Mindset: Opportunities for the MENA Region”.
Dr. Joris Van de Klundert – Professor of Operations Management
Invited Lecture at the Informs Chicago Regional Conference on Business Analytics, September 18-23, 2020. Lecture title: ‘Racial Equity in Deceased Donor Kidney Donation in the USA’.
Invited workshops "Building the Capacity of Hospital Managers in the Eastern Mediterranean Region" and "Lessons Learned from Hospitals Combatting COVID-19 across the EMR" together with the WHO EMR Office, 2021 AUPHA Annual Conference (Virtual/Tampa, Florida, USA)
Dr. Farzad Khan – Associate Professor of Management
April 2021. CSR: Rhetoric & Reality, Institute of Business Administration (IBA) (Karachi, Pakistan).
October 2020 (with Ralph Hamann, John Luiz, Kutlwano Ramaboa, Xolisa Dhlamini, and Warren Nilson). Neither colony nor enclave. Aarhus University BSS (Aarhus, Denmark)