ساعدتني الرحلة التي قضيتها في كلية الأمير محمد بن سلمان للإدارة وريادة الأعمال على تطوير مهاراتي العملية وشبكتي المهنية، مما مكنني من تنمية وتوسيع عملي في مجال السياحة بما يخدم العملاء من الأفراد والشركات
Q. How did your experience at MBSC contribute to your career and professional growth?
A. My time at MBSC helped develop my business skills and my professional network that enabled me to grow and scale my tourism business serving private and corporate clients. As an early start up in the growing tourism sector, I was able to overcome challenges and develop solutions through working closely with the public sector to amend policies and regulations that reduced barriers for entrepreneurs to invest in tourism becoming the first to issue an “entrepreneurial investment license” in the tourism sector, in addition to working extensively with the Ministry of Tourism and Ministry of Culture to create new offerings that are aligned with the Kingdom’s 2030 vision for tourism.
Q. What advice would you give someone who is just about to join one of our programs to make the best of their time at MBSC?
A. Time management and dedications are keys to succeed while studying and running your business at the same time